Friday, 19 February 2016

Weiss Tech Elevator Pitch Competition @ UPenn (February 9, 2016)

Weiss Tech House Elevator Pitch Competition
: February 3, 11:59 pm
WHEN: February 9, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Interested in entrepreneurship? Come hear your fellow Penn students pitch their ideas at the Weiss Tech House's annual Elevator Pitch Competition! Selected teams will present 2-minute pitches in front of a panel of judges. Winners will receive funding.
Learn more and RSVP:
Apply to pitch:       

Assalamu'alaikum dan selamat beristirehat,

Alhamduilillah, pada 9 Februari 2016 yang lalu, saya sempat menghadiri satu lagi Pertandingan Rancangan Perniagaan di UPenn.  Ia merupakan Pertandingan keenam atau ketujuh yang saya hadiri di UPenn, Wow!! Ini salah satu aktiviti penting yang perlu dilakukan oleh Universiti di Malaysia, yakni merancakkan pelbagai aktiviti Rancangan Perniagaan di dalam universiti, dari skala kecil ke skala besar, dari berasaskan kejuruteraan, IT, pendidikan dan gabungan pelbagai bidang. Cuma bezanya aktiviti ini dianjurkan oleh pelajar, hadiahnya tidaklah setinggi dianjurkan oleh School atau Center.  

Apabila sampai, saya perlu mendaftarkan diri di    Dengan adanya 3G/4G, maka urusan semakin mudah.

Ehmmm, mudah apabila ada teknologi, semuanya online.  Apa formatnya? Setiap pasukan dberikan 2 minit untuk membuat pembentangan, kemudiannya 2 minit diperuntukkan untuk soal-jawab dengan para hakim dan 1-2 minit diperuntukkan untuk hakim memberikan markah dan ulasan dalam borang yang dikepilkan. Penjaga masa mencelah jika masa sudah melebihi had yang dibenarkan. Ada enam orang hakim yang terlibat dalam pertandingan ini dengan pelbagai latar belakang.

Dewan boleh dikatakan penuh, dengan kehadiran 70-80 pelajar

Ada 15 kumpulan yang bertanding, akhirya ada satu kumpulan tidak hadir, jadi tinggal 14 kumpulan sahaja

Kumpuan pertama adalah WeTrain. 

Personal training market is about USD37 Billion a year
Average price is USD60 per hour.WeTrain charged USD25/hour or USD17 per half an hour
The concept is simple and convenient as the trainer will come to train the trainee through mobile application
WeTrain currently have been engaging with 15 institutions/companies

Barn Owl - This product is about autonomous long-range drones

The product is targeted for medium ad large size ranches

Bio Collection - has  USD8.5 billion market
How to get rid of plastics at oceans... Wow!!!
This student has presented before in Wharton New Venture Initiation Program

The company has registered Patent already, 7 customer LOIs (Letter of Intent) and engineered bacterium (key milestone)
 I like this product and hope she will be one of the winners.

brEDcrumb was established by this MBA student
USD5 billion on college recruitment market

brEDcrumb  offer online; personalized advice; volunteer involve
They do attribute matching
Have 250 volunteers already

Cubix Prints is targeted for 3D Printing.
The market is USD2.4B (2016) and will be expanding to USD21.2 Billion in 2020

The Solution suggested are online portal and hardware plug-in

FashionFlash - is about lend!
The need is high fashion product in India (USD30 Billion market in India)

Positioning - consume luxury fashion at affordable costs.
This is one of the rare ideas I found @ Wharton/UPenn

Geneoscopy - revolutionizing "colorectal cancer screening"... Ehmmm, I don't know so much but it is about detecting colon cancer and rectal cancer
2nd deadly cancer in U.S.
50,000 died annually

High tech or technology product need a good combination of people/specialist/experts

The problem in the society is the business opportunity for entrepreneur

Break for 10 minutes

HuxEnergy  -  I am really blurrrr about this product. It seems that 2 minutes presentation is not enough for me to understand this product...

Usual competitive analysis in any Business Plan Competition...and your advantage is you have everything that the other competitors do not have...he3

Home Diagnosis Box - with one drop of blood, you know your health conditions. Wow!!!
A gateway to Personalized Health.... of course not yet a trend in Malaysia. People in Malaysia just don't care until they admitted to hospital...he3...
Using micro needle technologies
Prototype cost (USD160-USD200) and can be reduced to USD99 per device (post actual production)... Anyway, if you can make it RM100, I will buy one ...he3...

LocalAventura - is an online platform company for travel and tour companies
How LocalAventura solve the problem? 
1)Credible/authentic guides  2)Booking in advance  3)Pay online (paypal/electronically)

The company is based in South America.. The online platform will be available on Feb 2017....

OnCast  - company based in South Africa
Problems - 1)Unemployment 2)SME Failure Rate
Solution - Learn, connect and grow
Mobile Application business model (B2B2C)
Getting money through subscription.

SolutionLoft - the future of programming
Problem - waste time and resources, programming similar jobs for multiple clients.

U.S Web development market = USD24.4 Billion

VivaVax - the problem is "hate needles:
The Solution is Vaccine Patch
Faster, Better and Cheaper
This team was a finalist at Y-Prize Grand Final Competition

Amsterdam Fluidics - the market opportunity is USD7.2 billion
This team was a finalist at Y-Prize Grand Final Competition

The chip proposed will ease the pharmaceutical production process as shown in the picture

Then, we can vote for Audience's Choice Award through the website given. The Audience's Choice Award is VivaVax. Congrats!!!
Ha ah, the third winner is Bio Collection....Congrats!!!

The number two goes to Solution Loft....Congrats!!!

The winner is Amstredam Fluidics.... Congrats!!!

I am not surprise as the group is one of the finalist in Y-Prize Grand Finale Bio Medical Engineering Technology before.  They have made sufficient preparation for Y-Prize Grand Finale and this award will enhance their project.

That's all....Wassalam

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