Wednesday, 2 March 2016

CollegePitch Philly Finals (24 February 2016)

CollegePitch Philly Finals
: February 24, 4:30 – 7:30 pm
WHERE: Quorum, University City Science Center, 8th floor, 3711 Market Street
We are excited to bring together college students throughout the Greater Philadelphia region for the inaugural College Pitch Philly. Made possible by the Philadelphia Regional Entrepreneurship Education Consortium, Startup PHL, Blackstone Foundation and the Quorum at the University City Science Center, we are working to better connect students from area colleges and universities with the region’s entrepreneurial community and its resources. A number of Penn-founded teams will be competing against student teams from regional schools like Temple, Drexel and Villanova – Register to attend and cheer on your classmates! 
Learn more:

Asalamu'alaikum dan selamat bercuti,

On  24 Februari 2016, I attended another Business Plan Competition/Pitching.  Compared to another Pitching Competition that I have been before, this competition is organized at Philly level. The competition (CollegePitch Philly Finals) was held at Quorum, University City Science Center and involved participation from numerous colleges/universities in Philly. This final competition only involved six teams. Every team was given 4/5 minutes to present and another 2/3 minutes for Q&A from judges. Those finalists are teams from Drexel University, Temple University dan UPenn. 

You don' need to pay hundreds of dollar for 'beautiful board' as in Malaysia

This event is a collaboration among so many important parties in Philly

One thing about this kind of event that I attended, the foods are not bad...he3

As usual, I only took a glass of drink and some fruits

I met  Hazraf  (middle), a Malaysian student from  Drexel University, a sponsored student by JPA, accompanied by his friend also from Drexel University. He came to listen to one of the presentations by his colleagues. University students should expose and enrich themselves with many activities for their self-development. Students should expose themselves to  activities  associated with politics, economics, social, spiritual and intellectual.

Short, simple and not many protocols...I like that. In Malaysia, we waste a lot of time and effort in rehearsal, preparation etc, which I consider them as 'low value added' activities... The government and corporate sector have to change this thoughts/style.  We need to spend time (and money) on high value added activities. My suggestion is don't invite VVIP to officiate your event if those VVIP is going to read the speech written by the you/organizer. Please invite VVIP to listen to their  thoughts, vision, experience, not to listen to the speech written by us (organizer). Invite VVIP if activities that we organize will give a big impact to their perceptions/thoughts/minds.

The first team was  SayUmm  from Drexel University. The product produced is "how to practice public speaking in virtual reality". This product can analyze your language, "filller words" etc.  

The second team was Pound Cake from Temple University. The team offered  "proprietary shade of lipstick".  One thing that I listen was  "People trust blogger than celebrity". Wow!! That's why people can become full time blogger in U.S and earn sufficient money with their writings.

The next team was  Habitat   from Temple University. Habitat is offering online food delivery in campus as the price offered is cheaper than you buy conventionally. The fastest time recorded was 8 minutes and 47 seconds. Habitat is also considering/offering  monthly subscriptions on meals. that's good idea. Currently the company has a collaboration with 10 food vendors in Philly.  The first time I heard of the idea of online food delivery in campus was in 2007 when I attended Monaco Business Plan Competition. At that time, technology is not as good as today and you were relying on internet on your business success. Nowadays, with 3G/4G and the grow of social medias, online food delivery in campus won't be a big problem anymore.

Next group was Tern Water  also from Temple University. I am not interested in this business, but it is something to do with water filter, you can communicate with mobile apps. 

The fifth team was Rungh also from Temple University. This student/lady is selling her product since November 2015. The product is to 'Create custom nail polish colors'. The selling price is US$39.99, while the cost is just US$8, and manufactured in China.

Currently, this student is selling online

The last team was Bio Selection, the third time I listened to her presentation. I like her determination and passion of the business. The company she co-foundered has gained more than US$200K funding.

The results are:

People choice- --> Bio selection

 Third --> SayUmm

Second -->  Rungh  

Champion -->  Habitat

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